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Suggestions for Reporting Items in Case Reports on Traditional Korean Medicine Treatments for Coughs: A Literature Review of Case Studies
Doeun Gu, Eunjae Song, Kwan-Il Kim, Hyungsun Jun, Jungah Uhm, Sungduk Hong, Dasol Park, Jungtae Leem
J Int Korean Med. 2024;45(6):1226-1252.   Published online December 30, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2024.45.6.1226
A Case Report of Chronic Cough in a Patient with Herniated Intervertebral Lumbar Disc Treated with Korean Medicine
Gil-geun Baek, Sang-hun Yun, Yu-jin Lee, Ju-heon Park, Na-kyoung Lee, Hyung-chul Lee, Man-ho Kang, Sung-hwan Park
J Int Korean Med. 2024;45(5):875-884.   Published online October 30, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2024.45.5.875
A Case on the Use of Korean Medicine Treatment for a Patient with Asthma-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overlap
Su-hyun Chin, Ji-won Park, Jeong-won Shin, Beom-joon Lee, Hee-jae Jung, Kwan-il Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2024;45(3):456-477.   Published online June 30, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2024.45.3.456
A Case Report of Patient Suffering from Cough and Dyspnea after Lung Transplantation Treated with Complex Korean Medicine
Seyeon Lee, Kibeom Ku, Mariah Kim, Irang Nam, Minhwa Kim, Changwoo Han, In Lee, Jinwoo Hong, Jungnam Kwon, Soyeon Kim, Youngju Yun, Sojung Park, Junyong Choi
J Int Korean Med. 2023;44(5):1101-1108.   Published online October 30, 2023     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2023.44.5.1101
Three Cases of Post-Covid-19 Dry Cough Treated with Maekmundong-tang
Yeong-seo Lee, Da-jung Ha, Kyoung-min Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2022;43(6):1208-1218.   Published online December 30, 2022     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2022.43.6.1208
                           Cited By 1
Antitussive, Expectorant, and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Mahwangyounpae-tang, a Polyherbal Formula in ICR Mice
Yeong-eun Jeong, Jong-dae Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2022;43(4):503-513.   Published online September 30, 2022     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2022.43.4.503
The Effect of Banhasasim-tang in Cough: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Seung-hee Han, Seung-ho Sun
J Int Korean Med. 2021;42(3):385-402.   Published online June 30, 2021     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2021.42.3.385
A Case Report of Cough in a Patient with Metastasis to Lung Improved by Korean Medicine
Na-kyung Cho, Mi-jung Yoon, Hong-sik Choi, Seung-mo Kim, Kyung-soon Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2020;41(3):487-493.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2020.41.3.487
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A Case Report on a Patient with Acute Herniated Lumbar Disc due to Coughing Treated with Megadose Pharmacopuncture and Combined Korean Medicine
Gwang-hyun Ryu, Heeyoung Moon, Ah-ra Ju, Won-jung Choo, Yo-sup Choi, Youngjoo Moon, Jiwon Chai, Wonbin Shin
J Int Korean Med. 2019;40(6):1248-1258.   Published online December 30, 2019     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2019.40.6.1248
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Treatment of Chronic Cough in an Upper Airway Cough Syndrome (UACS)-Suspected Patient with Local Acupuncture Points Stimulation and Application of Topical Herbal Mixed Heating Cream : A Case Report
Eunmi Kim, Hee-geun Jo
J Int Korean Med. 2019;40(3):557-565.   Published online June 30, 2019     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2019.40.3.557
Progression of Korean Herbal Medicine and Conventional Medicine Administration for Cough in Patients with Myocardial Infraction Relapse Suspected of Developing Acute Respiratory Infection: Case Report
Bo-min Kim, Hee-geun Jo
J Int Korean Med. 2019;40(1):145-153.   Published online March 30, 2019     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2019.40.1.145
Case Study of Three Gastro-esophageal Reflux-induced Chronic Cough Patients Treated with Ojeok-san plus Saengmaek-san
Jun-Hwan Lee, Yeon-Hee Bhang, Jae-Hyo Kim, Ha-Yoon Do, Kwan-Il Kim, Hee-Jae Jung, Beom-Joon Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2017;38(4):520-530.   Published online September 30, 2017     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2017.38.4.520
                           Cited By 2
Retrospective Study of Patients with Cough Treated with Eunhwayeongyo-tang
Hyun-jung Baek, Beom-joon Lee, Sung-ki Jung, Hee-jae Jung
J Int Korean Med. 2016;37(6):961-977.   Published online December 30, 2016     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2016.37.6.961
                           Cited By 5
A Retrospective Study of Chronic Pulmonary Disease Patients Treated with Chungsangboha-tang : IgE, eosinophil, PFT
Hyun-jung Baek, Yeon-hee Bhang, Jae-hyo Kim, Sang-jin Kim, Kwan-il Kim, Beom-joon Lee, Hee-jae Jung, Sung-ki Jung
J Int Korean Med. 2016;37(3):484-494.   Published online June 30, 2016
폐 랑게르한스 세포 조직구증(Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis)으로 진단받은 환자에 대한 한방치료 1례
홍미나, 박혜림, 조재현, 이지혜, 이혜윤, 한창우, 박성하, 김소연, 권정남, 이 인, 홍진우, 최준용
J Int Korean Med. 2015;259-265.   Published online April 30, 2015
Preliminary Study for Development of Pattern Identification Tool of Chronic Cough
Kwan-il Kim, Seung-won Shin, Na-la Lee, Beom-joon Lee, Hee-jae Jung, Sung-ki Jung, Jun-hee Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2015;36(1):22-39.   Published online March 30, 2015
야간해수 환자의 한방치료 1례
강희성, 김한옥, 강미정, 신현수
J Int Korean Med. 2014;202-208.   Published online April 30, 2014
Clinical Values of Cold-Heat Pattern Diagnosis by the Nasal Endoscopy for Patients with Cough
Hee-beom Lee, Eui-keun Park, Hyun-jung Baek, Beom-joon Lee, Sung-ki Jung, Hee-jae Jung
J Int Korean Med. 2014;35(3):274-287.   Published online September 30, 2014
An Analysis of Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Cough by Food-accumulation and Yin-Deficiency
Jung-wook Lee, Sang-moo Park, Baek-gyu Kang, Deok-jin Han, Ran-hee Na, Chang-ho Bang, Seak-oh Jang, Ji-woo Son, Si-hyeong Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2009;30(1):85-93.   Published online March 30, 2009
기침을 주소로 하는 결핵환자의 定喘湯 치험례
최순영, 배광록, 이소열, 신경민, 정재한
J Int Korean Med. 2008;93-98.   Published online October 30, 2008
폐렴으로 동반된 복압성 요실금 환자 치험 1례
조국령, 김남욱, 정용연, 강경남, 이영헌, 송병용, 전상윤, 홍 석, 김기주
J Int Korean Med. 2008;180-186.   Published online May 30, 2008
Clinical Effects of Chungin-troche As an Adjuctive Medicine with Chronic Cough Patients
Young-lae Roh, Jun-yong Choi, Sung-hun Lee, Jae-hwan Kim, Hee-jae Jung, Sung-ki Jung
J Int Korean Med. 2008;29(3):716-729.   Published online September 30, 2008
Research on Outcome Indicators in Clinical Trials of Asthma, Cough, and Sputum by Reviewing Papers Searched from PubMed
Mi-hyune Oh, Ji-hyung Lee, Bo-hyoung Jang, Sung-ki Jung, Seung-ho Sun, Ho-yeon Ko, Chan-yong Jun, Jong-hyeong Park, Seong-gyu Ko
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(3):519-530.   Published online September 30, 2007
폐암으로 진단받은 환자의 호흡곤란과 해수 호전 1례
김정근, 김종원, 배한호, 조충식, 박형선
J Int Korean Med. 2005;255-261.   Published online June 30, 2005
백일해 유발균 Bordetella pertussis에 대한 호장근의 생육 억제 효과
정운석, 이주일, 서운교
J Int Korean Med. 2005;26(3):543-550.   Published online May 31, 2005
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