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A Case Report of Korean Medicine Treatment of a Lung Cancer Patient with Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Kyun Ha Kim, Min-hwa Kim, Gi-yoon Heo, Chan Lee, Im-hak Cho, Hee-kyung Kang, So-yeon Kim, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Chang-woo Han, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon, Jun-Yong Choi
J Int Korean Med. 2021;42(6):1341-1348.   Published online December 30, 2021     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2021.42.6.1341
                           Cited By 2
A Case Report of a Patient with Guillain-Barre Syndrome Who Complained of Quadriplegia
Gi-yoon Heo, Chan Lee, Im-hak Cho, Hee-kyung Kang, Min-hwa Kim, So-yeon Kim, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jun-yong Choi, Chang-woo Han, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon
J Int Korean Med. 2021;42(5):1009-1019.   Published online October 30, 2021     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2021.42.5.1009
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A Case Report on Korean Medical Treatment of a Patient with Abnormal Liver Function Induced by Rovazet
Hee-kyung Kang, Im-hak Cho, Chan Lee, Gi-yoon Heo, Min-hwa Kim, Jung-nam Kwon, So-yeon Kim, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jun-yong Choi, Jin-woo Hong, Chang-woo Han
J Int Korean Med. 2021;42(5):846-852.   Published online October 30, 2021     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2021.42.5.846
Analysis of the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) Used in Clinical Studies Based on Randomized Controlled Studies
Chan Lee, Im-hak Cho, Gi-yoon Heo, Hee-kyung Kang, Min-hwa Kim, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon, Eun-young Park, In Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2021;42(4):510-531.   Published online September 30, 2021     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2021.42.4.510
                           Cited By 7
A Case Report of Dysphagia of Achalasia Patient Treated with Korean Medicine, Including Bunsimgieum-gami and Electroacupuncture
Im-hak Cho, Chan Lee, Hee-kyung Kang, Gi-yoon Heo, Min-hwa Kim, Jung-nam Kwon, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jun-yong Choi, Chang-woo Han, Jin-woo Hong, So-yeon Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2021;42(3):412-419.   Published online June 30, 2021     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2021.42.3.412
A Case Report of Korean Medicine Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Pleural Metastasis Following Targeted Chemotherapy with Afatinib
Kyun Ha Kim, Hee-kyung Kang, So-yeon Kim, Chang-woo Han, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jung-nam Kwon, Jin-woo Hong, Jun-Yong Choi
J Int Korean Med. 2020;41(6):1255-1264.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2020.41.6.1255
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Effect of Korean Medicine Treatment on Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci Colonization in a Stroke Patient: A Case Report
Hyung-bum Seo, Chan Lee, Im-hak Cho, Gi-yoon Heo, Hee-kyung Kang, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon, In Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2020;41(6):1191-1199.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2020.41.6.1191
A Case Report of Korean Medical Treatment for Rumination Syndrome Patient
Im-hak Cho, Hyung-bum Seo, Chan Lee, Hee-kyung Kang, Gi-yoon Heo, Jung-nam Kwon, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jun-yong Choi, Chang-woo Han, Jin-woo Hong, So-yeon Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2020;41(5):848-855.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2020.41.5.848
A Case Report of Improvement in Stubborn Pruritus and Skin Pigment Expression using Injinho-tang
Chan Lee, Hyung-bum Seo, Im-hak Cho, Gi-yoon Heo, Hee-kyung Kang, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon, Kyun-ha Kim, In Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2020;41(5):830-837.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2020.41.5.830
Effect of Herbal Medicine on Liver Function in Korean Medical Hospital Inpatients: A Retrospective Chart Review
Hyung-bum Seo, Hee-jeong Seo, So-hyun Shim, Chan Lee, Im-hak Cho, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim,, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon, In Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2019;40(6):1145-1151.   Published online December 30, 2019     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2019.40.6.1145
                           Cited By 4
Traditional Korean Medicine for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Undergoing Pembrolizumab Immunotherapy: A Case Report
So-hyun Shim, Hee-jeong Seo, Hyung-bum Seo, Im-hak Cho, Chan Lee, So-yeon Kim, Chang-woo Han, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jung-nam Kwon, Jin-woo Hong, Jun-yong Choi
J Int Korean Med. 2019;40(4):709-722.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2019.40.4.709
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A Case Report on a Phantom Limb Pain Patient after Below Knee Amputation using Korean Medicine Treatment
Hyung-bum Seo, Go-eun Bae, Jin-yong Choi, Hee-jeong Seo, So-hyun Shim, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon, In Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(6):1306-1312.   Published online December 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.6.1306
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Traditional Korean Medicine for Skin Toxic Side Effects from Afatinib in a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient: A Case Report
So-hyun Shim, Hee-jeong Seo, Jin-yong Choi, Go-eun Bae, Hyung-bum Seo, So-yeon Kim, Chang-woo Han, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jung-nam Kwon, Jin-woo Hong, Jun-yong Choi
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(5):973-983.   Published online October 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.5.973
A Case Report of a Stroke Patient with Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci Colonization Treated with Korean Medicine, Especially Gami-sipjeondaebo-tang
Hee-jeong Seo, Go-eun Bae, Jin-yong Choi, So-hyun Shim, Hyung-bum Seo, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jung-nam Kwon, Jin-woo Hong
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(5):939-948.   Published online October 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.5.939
                           Cited By 2
Correlation Study between Electrogastrography and Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) in Clinical Practice Students
Jin-yong Choi, Go-eun Bae, So-hyun Shim, Hee-jeong Seo, Hyung-bum Seo, Jun-yong Choi, Jung-nam Kwon, In Lee, Jin-woo Hong, Young-ju Yun, Seong-ha Park, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(4):732-740.   Published online September 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.4.732
                           Cited By 3
Moxibustion for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Go-eun Bae, Seung-hwan Lee, Jin-woo Hong, In Lee, So-yeon Kim, Jun-young Choi, Chang-woo Han, Young-ju Yun, Seong-ha Park, Jung-nam Kwon
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(3):372-388.   Published online June 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.3.372
                           Cited By 5
A Case Report of an Electrical Injury Induced Headache Patient Treated with Traditional Korean Medicine
Jin-yong Choi, Go-eun Bae, So-hyun Shim, Hee-jeong Seo, Hyung-bum Seo, Jun-Yong Choi, Jung-nam Kwon, In Lee, Jin-woo Hong, Young-ju Yun, Seong-ha Park, So-yeon Kim, Chang-woo Han
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(2):247-252.   Published online May 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.2.247
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A Case Report of a Patient with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Deep Vein Thrombosis Treated with a Combination of East-West Medicine
Go-eun Bae, Jin-yong Choi, So-hyun Shim, Hee-jeong Seo, Hyung-bum Seo, Jin-woo Hong, In Lee, So-yeon Kim, Jun-Yong Choi, Chang-woo Han, Young-ju Yun, Seong-ha Park, Jung-nam Kwon
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(2):165-175.   Published online May 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.2.165
                           Cited By 3
Changes in Results of Vital Signs, Blood Tests, and Functional Tests after Taking Cheongsimyeonja-tang
Jae-hyun Cho, Go-eun Bae, Hee-jeong Seo, Jin-yong Choi, So-hyun Shim, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jung-nam Kwo, Si-woo Lee Lee, Jin-woo Hong
J Int Korean Med. 2017;38(6):971-979.   Published online December 30, 2017     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2017.38.6.971
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A Case Report of a Patient with Chemotherapy-induced Leukopenia Treated with Acupuncture
Jin-yong Choi, Jae-hyun Cho, Go-eun Bae, So-hyun Shim, Hee-jeong Seo, Jun-yong Choi, Jung-nam Kwon, In Lee, Jin-woo Hong, Young-ju Yun, Seong-ha Park, So-yeon Kim, Chang-woo Han
J Int Korean Med. 2017;38(5):806-811.   Published online October 30, 2017     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2017.38.5.806
                           Cited By 1
A Case Report of Treatment of a Patient with Pontine Hemorrhage and Respiratory Disturbance Using Korean Medicine
Jae-hyun Cho, Go-eun Bae, Jin-yong Choi, Hee-jeong Seo, So-hyun Shim, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, In Lee, Jin-woo Hong, Jung-nam Kwon
J Int Korean Med. 2017;38(5):789-796.   Published online October 30, 2017     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2017.38.5.789
A Case Report of Hematoma in the Lower Extremity Induced by Anti-platelet Agents (Astrix, Plavix)
Go-eun Bae, Jae-hyun Cho, Jin-yong Choi, So-hyun Shim, Hee-jeong Seo, Jin-woo Hong, In Lee, So-yeon Kim, Jun-young Choi, Chang-woo Han, Young-ju Yun, Seong-ha Park, Jung-nam Kwon
J Int Korean Med. 2017;38(5):641-649.   Published online October 30, 2017     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2017.38.5.641
Three Case Reports of Patients with Secondary Dementia Treated with Korean Traditional Medicine, Especially Boshiniknoe-tang-gami
Go-eun Bae, Jae-hyun Cho, Jin-yong Choi, Hee-jeong Seo, So-hyun Shim, Jung-nam Kwon, Jin-woo Hong, So-yeon Kim, Jun-young Choi, Chang-woo Han, Young-ju Yun, Seong-ha Park, In Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2017;38(5):628-640.   Published online October 30, 2017     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2017.38.5.628
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Traditional Korean Medicine Treatment of a Traumatic Brain Injury Patient with Aggressive Behavior
Hye-lim Park, Min-na Hong, Jae-hyun Cho, Go-eun Bae, Jin-yong Choi, Jin-woo Hong, Seong-ha Park, In Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2016;37(5):831-838.   Published online October 30, 2016     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2016.37.5.831
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A Case Report of a Premature Ventricular Contraction Patient with Dizziness and Chest Discomfort Using Gagam-Samryoungbeakchul-san
Jae-hyun Cho, Min-na Hong, Hye-lim Park, Jin-yong Choi, Go-eun Bae, In Lee, Jung-nam Kwon, Chang-woo Han, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Young-ju Yun, Jin-woo Hong
J Int Korean Med. 2016;37(5):796-805.   Published online October 30, 2016     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2016.37.5.796
A Case Report of a Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Patient Treated with Korean Medicine after Wedge Resection of the Lung
Min-na Hong, Hye-lim Park, Jae-hyun Cho, Jin-yong Choi, Go-eun Bae, Chang-woo Han, Seong-ha Park, So-yeon Kim, In Lee, Jin-woo Hong, Jun-yong Choi
J Int Korean Med. 2016;37(5):776-785.   Published online October 30, 2016     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2016.37.5.776
Research on Anti-lipogenic Effect and Underlying Mechanism of Laminaria japonica on Experimental Cellular Model of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
So-yeon Kim, Jung-nam Kwon, In Lee, Jin-woo Hong, Jun-yong Choi, Seong-ha Park, Min-jung Kwun, Myung-soo Joo, Chang-woo Han
J Int Korean Med. 2014;35(2):175-183.   Published online June 30, 2014
Recent Research Trends in Korean Medicine Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus - Focusing on Domestic Articles from 2008 to 2013 -
Do-hyung Kim, Seung-chan Park, Ji-hye Lee, Hye-yoon Lee, Min-kyoung Cho, Jun-yong Choi, So-yeon Kim, Seong-ha Park
J Int Korean Med. 2013;34(3):240-255.   Published online September 30, 2013
Study on Reliability of Interpretation and Reproducibility of a Pulse Analyser
Seung-chan Park, Ji-hye Lee, Hye-yoon Lee, Min-kyoung Cho, Do-hyung Kim, So-yeon Kim, Jun-yong Choi, Chang-woo Han, Seong-ha Park, Jin-woo Hong, In Lee, Jung-nam Kwon
J Int Korean Med. 2013;34(3):231-239.   Published online September 30, 2013
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