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A Review of Clinical Studies for Chinese Medicine Treatment of Post-concussion Syndrome Using the CNKI Database
Mi-so Park, Ah-ra Ju, Yo-sup Choi, Hye-kyung Baek, Bo-kyung Hwang, Dong-guk Shin, Seung-won Jang
J Int Korean Med. 2021;42(6):1184-1198.   Published online December 30, 2021     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2021.42.6.1184
Drug-Induced Dyskinesia Outpatient Suspected to be Induced by Risperidone Management with Yigan-san with Citri Pericarpium and Pinelliae Rhizoma (modified Yigan-san, Yokukan-san Kachimpihang), Electro-Acupuncture at GB34 (陽陵泉), and Stopping Suspected Medication: A Case Report
Min-yeong Roh, Seung-won Jang, Hyun-ho Kim, Yang-hee Han, Jungtae Leem
J Int Korean Med. 2019;40(6):1303-1310.   Published online December 30, 2019     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2019.40.6.1303
                           Cited By 2
A Cancer Patient Suffering from Chemotherapy-Induced Anorexia and Nausea Treated by Herbal Medicine (Dokhwaljihwang-tang-gamibang) Resulted in Improved Quality of Life: A Case Report
Eun-ji Kim, Hye-jin Kim, Seung-won Jang, Hyun-ho Kim, Yang-hee Han, Jung-tae Leem
J Int Korean Med. 2018;39(5):1032-1041.   Published online October 30, 2018     DOI: https://doi.org/10.22246/jikm.2018.39.5.1032
                           Cited By 3
A Before and After Study about the Effects of Korean Medical Treatment on Halitosis Patients: Using OralChroma™
Jane Choi, Jin-sung Kim, Seung-won Jang, Ji-yeong Son, Seung-hwan Baek, Seong-jun Han, Eom-jee Lee, Bong-ha Ryu
J Int Korean Med. 2014;35(4):532-545.   Published online December 30, 2014
Development Cut-off Value for Yin-deficiency Questionnaire and Diagnostic Ability of Yin-deficiency in Xerostomia
Seung-won Jang, Jin-sung Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2014;35(4):483-497.   Published online December 30, 2014
The Effect of Traditional Korean Medicine Treatment on Patients with Taste Disorders: A Case Series of Five Patients
Seung-hwan Baek, Jin-sung Kim, Seung-won Jang, Ji-yeong Son, Jane Choi, Seong-jun Han, Eom-jee Lee, Bong-ha Ryu
J Int Korean Med. 2014;35(3):383-397.   Published online September 30, 2014
Comparison Characteristic on Psychological Status between Genuine and Pseudo Halitosis
Seung-won Jang, Jin-sung Kim, Kyung Kang, Ju-yeon Kim, Ji-yeong Son, Seung-hwan Baek, Jane Choi, Bong-ha Ryu
J Int Korean Med. 2013;34(4):405-411.   Published online December 30, 2013
Effects of Korean Medicine Therapies on Oral Pain in Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome: a Before and After Study
Ji-young Son, Ju-yeon Kim, Kyung Kang, Seung-hwan Baek, Jane Choi, Seung-won Jang, Bong-ha Ryu, Jin-sung Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2013;34(2):122-133.   Published online June 30, 2013
Correlation between Qi-Stagnation and Pressure Pain Threshold on CV17 (Danzhong : 膻中) in Burning Mouth Syndrome Patients - In the Perspective of Quantification of Pressure Pain Threshold on CV17 by using Algometer -
Kyung Kang, Jin-sung Kim, Jong-ki Seon, Ji-hee Son, Ju-yeon Kim, Seung-won Jang, Ji-young Son, Hyun-ju Lee, Bong-ha Ryu
J Int Korean Med. 2012;33(4):498-510.   Published online December 30, 2012
Efficacy of Gamiyukmijihwang-tang on Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
Ju-yeon Kim, Jin-sung Kim, Ji-hee Son, Jong-ki Seon, Kyung Kang, Seung-won Jang, Ji-young Son, Bong-ha Ryu
J Int Korean Med. 2012;33(2):231-242.   Published online June 30, 2012
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