Case Report: Korean Medicine Treatment for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Concurrent with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Ji-yoon Park, Ye-seul Kim, Jung-hwa Hong, Young-ju Rhee, Eun-joo Seok, Lib Ahn
J Int Korean Med. 2023;44(2):222-230.   Published online 2023 May 30     DOI:
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A Review of Domestic Research on Traditional Korean Medicine for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Su-Hyun Choi, Chae-Rim Yoon, Nahyun Jeong, Dahee Jeong, Yoohyun Sim, Hae-in Jeong, Na-Yeon Ha, Jinsung Kim
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine.2024; 45(3): 358.     CrossRef