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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 26(4); 2005 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2005;26(4): 785-794.
한방병원에 내원한 위마비 및 비위마비성 기능성 소화불량증 환자에 대한 위 운동성 및 임상적 속성에 관한 연구
이준석, 윤상협, 이선령, 엄국현, 김현경, 장선영, 유종민, 김진성, 류봉하, 류기원
경희대학교 한의과대학 비계내과학교실
Study of Gastric Electrical Activity and Clinical Characteristics in Patients with Gastroparesis or Non-gastroparetic Functional Dyspepsia in Eastern Traditional Medicine
Joon-suk Lee, Sang-hyub Yoon, Seon-young Lee, Guk-hyeon Eom, Hyun-kyung Kim, Sun-young Jang, Jong-min Ryu, Jin-sung Kim, Bong-ha Ryu, Ki-won Ryu
3rd Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University
Correspondence  Sang-hyub Yoon ,Tel: 02-958-9142, Fax: 02-958-9136, Email: sandrock58@nate.com
Received: August 10, 2005,   Accepted: August 27, 2005,   Published online: December 30, 2005.
Little is known concerning the pathophysiology and symptomatology of gastric dysmotility of patients who have sought treatment in eastern traditional medicine. The aim of this study was to investigate gastric electrical activity and clinical characteristics between gastroparesis and non-gastroparetic functional dyspepsia(FD) and to assess the necessity to distinguish them for eastern traditional medical treatment. 60 patients were surveyed by questionnaire. Gastric electrical activity was recorded and analyzed using electrogastrography. Patients were divided into gastroparesis and non-gastroparetic FD by 1.0 of power ratio. Healthy persons were used as reference. Postprandial normogastria of gastroparesis decreased and that of non-gastroparetic functional dyspepsia increased compared before and after meals. Suggested causes of onset were the meat diets that most patients were on in the gastroparesis group, and that drugs that patients in the non-gastroparetic FD group were taking. Distribution of main symptom was equally regular in patients with gastroparesis, but patients with non-gastroparetic FD showed mainly upper abdominal pain and fullness. Values for the gastroparesis group were double those for the non-gastroparetic FD group in frequency of upper GI endosopic examination. Results suggest that effective application of eastern traditional medical treatment requires that first a clear distinction be made in state of gastric dysmotility and clinical characteristics of gastroparesis and non-gastroparetic FD when treating dyspepsia.
Key words: gastroparesis, functional dyspepsia, gastric dysmotility, electrogastrography, weibingzhengzhuang(胃病證候)
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