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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 29(2); 2008 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(2): 375-384.
사염화탄소의 長期 投與로 유발된 白鼠 肝硬變에 대한 荊防地黃湯의 조직병리학적 영향
대구한의대학교 한의과대학 간계내과학교실
The Histopathology of Hyeungbangjihwang-tang Extracts on the Liver Cirrhosis of Fisher 344 Rats Induced by Long Time Carbon Tetrachloride Injection.
Seong-mo Kim
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University
Correspondence  Seong-mo Kim ,Tel: 053-651-2600, Email: heuwon@hanmail.net
  Published online: June 30, 2008.
Objective :
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of oral administration of Hyeungbangjihwang-tang (HBJHT) on the liver cirrhosis of rats induced by Carbon tetrachloride for 10 weeks.

The histopathological changes were observed. The HBJHT extracts were daily dosed at 50, 100 and 200㎎/㎏ for 12 weeks.

Severe hepatocellular necrosis and ballooning, hyperplasia of connective tissue, subdued reduction of hepatic lobule, and hyperplasia of bile duct in portal triad were dramatically decreased in the HBJHT-treated group compared to that of the Carbon tetrachloride-treated control group in histopathological observation. The diameter of hepatic lobules was significantly enlarged in the HBJHT-treated group compared to that of the Carbon tetrachloride-treated control group, and the amounts of connective tissue, degenerative cells and bile ducts were significantly and dose-dependently decreased.

It is concluded that HBJHT has a significant recovering effect on the liver of rats induced by carbon tetrachloride.
Key words: Hyeungbangjihwang-tang(HBJHT), liver cirrhosis, Carbon tetrachloride
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