The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(2): 375-384. |
사염화탄소의 長期 投與로 유발된 白鼠 肝硬變에 대한 荊防地黃湯의 조직병리학적 영향 |
김승모 |
대구한의대학교 한의과대학 간계내과학교실 |
The Histopathology of Hyeungbangjihwang-tang Extracts on the Liver Cirrhosis of Fisher 344 Rats Induced by Long Time Carbon Tetrachloride Injection. |
Seong-mo Kim |
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University |
Published online: June 30, 2008. |
Objective : This study was carried out to investigate the effects of oral administration of Hyeungbangjihwang-tang
(HBJHT) on the liver cirrhosis of rats induced by Carbon tetrachloride for 10 weeks.
Method: The histopathological changes were observed. The HBJHT extracts were daily dosed at 50, 100 and 200㎎/㎏ for
12 weeks.
Results: Severe hepatocellular necrosis and ballooning, hyperplasia of connective tissue, subdued reduction of hepatic
lobule, and hyperplasia of bile duct in portal triad were dramatically decreased in the HBJHT-treated group compared to that
of the Carbon tetrachloride-treated control group in histopathological observation. The diameter of hepatic lobules was
significantly enlarged in the HBJHT-treated group compared to that of the Carbon tetrachloride-treated control group, and the
amounts of connective tissue, degenerative cells and bile ducts were significantly and dose-dependently decreased.
Conclusion: It is concluded that HBJHT has a significant recovering effect on the liver of rats induced by carbon
tetrachloride. |
Key words:
Hyeungbangjihwang-tang(HBJHT), liver cirrhosis, Carbon tetrachloride |