淸熱潤膚湯이 DNFB로 유발된 알레르기 피부염에 미치는 효과 |
이경기1, 김진주2, 정희재1, 정승기1 |
1경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학 교실 2경희대학교 약학대학 한방생리학교실 |
Effects of Cheongyeolyunbu-tang on DNFB-induced Allergic Dermatitis |
Kyung-ki Lee1, Jin-ju Kim2, Hee-jae Jung1, Sung-ki Jung1 |
1Division of Allergy, Immune & Respiratory System, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea 2Department of orientalphysiology, College of Pharmacy, Kyung Hee University |
Correspondence |
Sung-ki Jung ,Tel: 02-958-9147, Fax: 02-958-9148, Email: jskes@khmc.or.kr
Published online: September 30, 2008. |
Objective : To examine the efficacy of CY, the improvement of atopy dermatitis(AD)-like lesions on the rostral back of the NC/Nga mice, which took CY orally and were treated with a chemical substance called DNFB, the inhibition of ear swelling, and the inhibition of inflammatory response of the ear tissue of the mice were observed and compared, and the inhibition of the serum IgE count and the IL-4 and IFN-γ count produced by CD4+ T cells of the lymph node were observed and compared.
Materials and Methods : For measurement of ear thicknesses, 0.15% DNFB 25μl mixed with acetone/olive oil(3:1) was applied to the right ear and dorsal skin of the NC/Nga mice 5 times at an interval of 7 days. Ear thickness was measured every day over a five-week period after the first application of DNFB. The total serum IgE count was measured with ELISA by taking blood samples 24 hours after the fifth application of DNFB. To measure the IL-4 and IFN-γ count, the lymph node was cut off, and the CD4+ T cells were purified and stimulated to activate the T cells, and then the IL-4 and IFN-γ count was measured with ELISA.
Results: Continuous oral administration of CY improved the AD-like skin lesions on the rostral back and inhibited the ear swelling in NC/Nga mice treated with DNFB and inhibited the inflammatory response in the NC/Nga mice treated with DNFB NC/Nga mice. Continuous oral administration of CY did not significantly inhibit the serum IgE count and failed to significantly reduce the IL-4 count generated after TCR stimulation in the CD4+ T cells of the NC/Nga mice treated with DNFB. Continuous oral administration of CY significantly reduced the IFN-γ count generated after TCR stimulation in the CD4+ T cells of the NC/Nga mice treated with DNFB. |
Key words:
Atopic dermatitis, 2, 4-dinitrofluorobenzene(DNFB), NC/Nga mice, Cheongyeolyunbu-tang(CY) |