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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 29(4); 2008 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(4): 979-987.
급성기 뇌중풍 환자의 實證 및 虛證군 특성비교연구
임정태, 김미영, 최원우, 민인규, 정우상, 문상관, 조기호, 김영석
경희대학교 한의과대학 2내과학교실
The Comparison on the General Characteristics of Acute Stroke Patients between Excess Syndrome and Deficiency Syndrome
Jung-tae Leem, Mi-young Kim, Won-woo Choi, In-kyu Min, Woo-sang Jung, Sang-kwan Moon, Ki-ho Cho, Young-suk Kim
Department of Cardiocascular & Neurologic Disease(Stroke center), College of Oriental medicine, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Woo-sang Jung ,Tel: 02-958-9128, Fax: 02-958-9132, Email: julcho@naver.com
  Published online: December 30, 2008.
This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of acute stroke patients between excess syndrome and deficiency syndrome groups.

We recruited stroke patients from the patients admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine of Kyunghee University Oriental Medical Center, Dongguk University Ilsan Oriental Medical Center, Kyungwon University Songpa Oriental Medical Center and Kyungwon University Incheon Oriental Medical Center from April 2007 to August 2008. We diagnosed acute stroke patients as either excess syndrome or deficiency syndrome and analyzed their characteristics for type of stroke, blood test result, Sasang constitution and lifestyle.

We found height, weight, BMI, W/H ratio, hypertension, diabetes, migraine, silent infarction, TG, total lipid, HDL-chol, RBC, Hb, hematocrit, alcohol, smoking and Sasang constitution(Tae-eum, So-yang) were more associated with the excess syndrome group. And we found sea food and Sasang constitution(So-eum) was more associated with the deficiency syndrome group.

According to the analysis, we found that the excess syndrome group had more risk factors than the deficiency syndrome group. These results could be utilized in the future as a basis material for Oriental medicine therapy. Further studies will be needed to better understand the differences between excess syndrome and deficiency syndrome groups among acute stroke patients.
Key words: Stroke, Excess syndrome group, Excess syndrome group
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