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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 37(2); 2016 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2016;37(2): 251-256.
쇼그렌증후군의 한방치료 1례
홍정수, 안상민, 추원정, 최요섭
부천자생한방병원 한방내과
Case Report of Sjögren’s Syndrome Treated with Traditional Korean Medicine
Jung-soo Hong, Sang-min Ahn, Won-jung Choo, Yo-sup Choi
Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Bu-cheon Ja-Seng Hospital of Oriental Medicine
Correspondence  Jung-soo Hong ,Tel: 032-320-8800, Fax: 032-320-8877, Email: coolguyjs@hanmail.net
Received: March 28, 2016,   Accepted: May 26, 2016,   Published online: May 30, 2016.

This case report examines the effects of Jaeumganghwa-tang as a treatment option for Sjögren’s syndrome.

We provided the patient with Jaeumganghwa-tang twice a day, as well as acupuncture and bee venom therapy (both twice a week), for 30 days. Symptoms were charted and evaluated using the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Sjögren’s Syndrome Patient Reported Index (ESSPRI).

The patient’s ESSPRI score decreased from 8 to 6 after the 30-day treatment.

Jaeumganghwa-tang may be helpful in alleviating Sjögren’s syndrome.
Key words: Sjögren’s syndrome, Jaeumganghwa-tang, Korean traditional medicine
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