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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 22(2); 2001 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2001;22(2): 271-278.
복수 환자 2례에 대한 임상적 고찰
김수정, 이익행, 김진규, 이운석, 김주연, 김은영, 김종대
경산대학교 부속 대구한방병원 내과학교실
Two Cases Study on the Disease with Ascites
Soo -Jung Kim, Ik-Haeing Lee, Jin-Gyu Kim, Woon-Suk Lee, Ju-Youn Kim, Eun-Young Kim, Chong-Dae Kim
Department of Internal medicine, Daegu Oriental Hospital of Kyungsan University
Correspondence  Soo -Jung Kim ,
Received: June 25, 2001,   Accepted: August 2, 2001,   Published online: June 30, 2001.
Ascites is commonly caused by portal vein pressure accentuation or peritoneal disease. Also, the use of diuretic and ascitic puncture have been the mainstays of ascites treatment.

Objective :
Experimental studies were done to research the effects of herbal medication on diseases with ascites (ex. liver cirrhosis, peritoneal carcinoma) on two patients.

Methods :
For measuring the response about the ascites, we observed this clinical symptoms : weight, abdominal circumference (umbilical circumference, upper abdominal circumference), and lab finding.

In both cases, clinical symptoms and ascites improved with herbal medication. Second, abdominal circumference decreased. Third, there was no electrolyte imbalance.

This test shows that herbal medication has a strong effect on decreasing the intractable ascites.
Key words: Asites, liver cirrhosis, peritoneal disease, abdominal distension, diuretic
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