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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 24(3); 2003 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2003;24(3): 645-650.
양성 체위성 현훈 환자 1례에 관한 증례보고
A Clinical Report of One Patient with Benign Postural Vertigo
Min-Kyung Hyun1, Byoung-Mu Jeong1, Jun-Hyuk Choi1, Cheol-Ho Yoon1, Ji-Cheon Jeong1, Gun-Woo Min2, Cheol-Woong Lee3, Jong-Hyuck Park4
1Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University
2Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, Jain Oriental Hospital
3Department of Oriental Gynecology, Joonghwa Oriental Hospital
4Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, Haedang Oriental Hospital
Correspondence  Min-Kyung Hyun ,Tel: 02-3416-9792, Fax: 02-3416-9790, Email: 3three@dreamwiz.com
  Published online: September 30, 2003.
We report a case of Benign postural vertigo. Clinical symptoms of Benign postural vertigo occur frequently when a certain position is assumed, such as lying down or turning in bed. After all, vertigo is intensified by position change. Many patients were treated with exersise therapy, surgical operation and canalith repositioning maneuver. He is 50 year-old male patient. His trouble was episodic vertigo, headache, nausea and shoulder pain etc. The symptoms are classed as the supdamjungjo and we prescribed cheonghunhwadam-tang. The intensity and frequency of vertigo were dramatically improved.
Key words: Benign Postural Vertigo, supdamjungjo, cheonghunhwadam-tang
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