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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 24(3); 2003 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2003;24(3): 675-680.
발열환자에 대한 십선혈 사혈의 해열효과
Antipyretic Effect of Blood-letting at the Sybsun-points on Fever Comparing with Aspirin Injection
Jung-jin Kim1, Eun-ju Kim1, Sang-ho Lee1, Jun-woo Rhee1, Jin-hwa Lee2, Woo-sang Jung1, Sang-kwan Moon1, Ki-ho Cho1, Young-suk Kim1, Hyung-sup Bae1
1Department of Cardiovascular & Neurologic Diseases(Stroke Center) College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
2Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Serim Hospital of Korean Traditional Medicine
Correspondence  Jung-jin Kim ,Tel: 02-958-9129, Fax: 02-958-9132, Email: ahen1@hanmail.net
  Published online: September 30, 2003.
Objective :
Blood-letting at Sybsun-points has been used for fever since ancient times in oriental medication. We were to evaluate the effectiveness of blood-letting at Sybsun-points on fever compared with aspirin, a representative antipyretic agent in modern western medicine.

Patients was selected who were admitted to Kyung-hee oriental medical center and developed fever over 38.0℃ during admission. Subjects were devided into 2 groups at random; aspirin 250mg injection group(n=11) and blood-letting at Sybsun-points group(n=10). Each group was allowed to massage with lukewarm water and not to change any medication during study. And then the body temperature was monitored at 2 hours and 8hours later.

As hours going by, all subjects temperature was lowering(P<0.001) and the antipyretic effect of the blood-letting group was not less than that of the aspirin injection group. After all, the blood-letting treatment could lower temperature about 0.7℃ after 2 hours and about 1.3℃ after 8 hours.

Blood-letting at Sybsun-points may be useful for fever.
Key words: antipyretic, Sybsun-points, blood-letting, aspirin
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