중풍환자의 급성신우신염에 대하여 시령탕가감방을 투여한 2례보고 |
Report on 2 Cases of Acute Pyelonephritis Treated with Shiryung-tang-gagambang in Stroke Patients |
Woo-Suk Choi, Jung-Whan Moon, Myung-Hyun Lim, Hee-Yong Lim, Young-A Choi, Seok-Bong Kang |
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University |
Published online: September 30, 2003. |
Urinary tract infection(UTI) is common complication in stroke patient. As it has negative effect on the recovery of stroke, it should be cured out immediately. There have been several reports about treating urinary tract infection with Traditional Korean Medication. But report about upper urinary tract infection(acute pyelonephritis) is rare. We prescribed Shiryung-tang-gagambang without antibiotics for two stroke patients who have symptoms of acute pyelonephritis(fever, chilling, costovertebral angle tenderness, flank pain, suprapubic pain, leukocytosis, hematuria etc.). After 7days patient s symptoms and laboratory findings were improved. |
Key words:
acute pyelonephritis, urinary tract infection(UTI), stroke, Shiryung-tang-gagambang |