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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 24(3); 2003 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2003;24(3): 705-711.
온병치료로 호전된 폐렴환자 2례
Two Cases of Pneumonia Treated with Theory on Epidemic Febrile Diseases
Jee-yun Park1, Ho-yeun Go1, Chan-yong Jun1, Yang-hee Han1, Ui-Sil Hong2, Eun-Gi Baek2
1Department of Internal Medicine, Kyung won University In-cheon Oriental Medical Hospital
2Department of Internal Medicine, Colleage of Oriental Medicine, Kyung won University
Correspondence  Jee-yun Park ,Tel: 032-762-9503, Fax: 032-764-9022, Email: idmb21@hanmail.net
  Published online: September 30, 2003.
Pulmonary Infection is one of the common complications in stroke patients and chronic general weakness. There are theory on Epidemic Febrile Diseases in oriental medicine on infectious diseases. In korea, however historical conditions have brought the lack of clinical study upon Theory on Epidemic Febrile Diseases. The purpose of this paper is to report the adapting Theory on Epidemic Febrile Diseases on pneumonia treatment. Two cases what we treated have had characteristic symptoms on Epidemic Febrile Diseases. We diagnosed them as invasion of the young system, kii and wee system by heat and prescribed Chungyoung-tang, Mahaengkamsuk-tang, Eunkyo-san recorded in Onbyung Jobyun, which improved their respiratioy symptoms and removed high fever. Thus, We concluded that adapting Theory on Epidemic Febrile Diseases can increase the effciency on pneumonia treatment.
Key words: 온병, , 감염, 폐렴
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