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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 24(3); 2003 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2003;24(3): 720-726.
Wallenberg' syndrome 환자 1례에 대한 임상적 고찰
A Clinical Report of Wallenberg’s syndrome
Jeong-Jin Kwack, Hyung-Cheon Ryu, Gang-Nyoung Lee, Chang-Won Choi, Young-Soo Lee, Hee-Chul Kim
1Department of Hepatic Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongsin University
2Department of Digestive Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongsin University
Correspondence  Jeong-Jin Kwack ,Tel: 062-350-7282, Email: kwackjj@hanmail.net
  Published online: September 30, 2003.
About the case of the patient who has diagnosed Wallenberg’s syndrome and admissed to our hospital from 17. march. 2003 to 18. June. 2003, we diagnosed and treated him as paralysis of extremities, bi syndrome, numbness and akinesia at the point of Oriental Medicine and got the improvement in the sense disorder, motor disorder and ect. so we report. We think that the patient must get the screen test exactly and treat the disease properly. and if we apply this result to clinical cases at the point of Oriental Medical base from gathering and researching more cases, it will arouse sympathy-the excellence of Oriental Medicine and make the necessity of the further research and report from now on.
Key words: wallenberg's syndrome
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