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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 25(2); 2004 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2004;25(2): 224-237.
氣血水辨證에 의한 기능성 소화불량 환자의 변증유형 분석
한숙영, 임중화, 유종민, 장선영, 김현경, 이준석, 윤상협, 김진성, 류봉하, 류기원
경희대학교 한의과대학 비계내과교실
Analysis of symptom pattern through comprehensive diagnosis of Qui Xui Shui in patients with functional dyspepsia
Sook-Young Han, Jung-Hwa Lim, Jong-Min Ryu, Sun-Young Jang, Hyun-Kyung Kim, Joon-Suk Lee, Sang-Hyub Yoon, Jin-Sung Kim, Bong-Ha Ryu, Ki-Won Ryu
Department of the 3rd Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University
Correspondence  Sook-Young Han ,Tel: 02-958-9140, Fax: 02-958-9136, Email: sookza@freechal.com
Received: April 10, 2004,   Accepted: May 6, 2004,   Published online: June 30, 2004.
Background & Object :
It is well known that functional dyspepsia is one of the most common diseases. While many dyspepsia patients have been helped with oriental medical therapy, there has not been a study based on the concepts of oriental medicine. The aim of this study was to perform a fundamental epidemiological survey and to analyse the symptom pattern of functional dyspepsia.

Methods :
86 patients(27 males, 59 females) diagnosed with functional dyspepsia in Kyunghee Oriental Medical Center from May to December 2002 were involved in this investigation. The disease characteristics of functional dyspepsia(based on Rome criteria II) and the Qui Xue Shui diagnostic procedure were investigated by questionnaire and physical examination. The total score and composition ratio of each comprehensive diagnosis were calculated from the symptom score described in the questionnaire.

The total score from the Qui Xue Shui diagnostic procedure was found to be influenced by the number of functional dyspepsia symptoms(p=0.026) and the patient’s own cognition of their current dyspeptic situation(p=0.006), in addition to digestive ability and general congnition(p=0.006), and was not associated with sex, duration of dyspeptic symptoms in one year, or the total illness period. In the composition ratio of the Qui Xue Shui diagnostic procedure, only Quiyu( p=0.048) diagnosis was accurate regarding the number of symptoms in one year, total illness period, or the patients’ own congnition of their current dyspeptic situation. But the value of the composition ratio among the total factors involved was most similar to that of sex.

Thus, it is shown here that the total score of using the Qui Xue Shui diagnostic procedure is mainly dependent on dyspeptic symptoms and the patinets’ own cognition of their current dyspeptic situation, and that regular symptom patterns in the Qui Xue Shui diagnostic procedure exist in dyspeptic patients.
Key words: functional dyspepsia, comprehensive diagnosis of Qui Xue Shui, symptom pattern
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