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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 33(4); 2012 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2012;33(4): 498-510.
구강작열감증후군 환자에서 기울과 전중(CV17)압통의 상관성 - Algometer를 이용한 전중압통의 정량화 측면에서 -
강경, 김진성, 선종기, 손지희, 김주연, 장승원, 손지영, 이현주, 류봉하
경희대학교 한의과대학 비계내과학교실
Correlation between Qi-Stagnation and Pressure Pain Threshold on CV17 (Danzhong : 膻中) in Burning Mouth Syndrome Patients - In the Perspective of Quantification of Pressure Pain Threshold on CV17 by using Algometer -
Kyung Kang, Jin-sung Kim, Jong-ki Seon, Ji-hee Son, Ju-yeon Kim, Seung-won Jang, Ji-young Son, Hyun-ju Lee, Bong-ha Ryu
Dept. of Gastroenterology, School of Korean Medicine, Kyung-Hee University
Correspondence  Jin-sung Kim ,Tel: 02-958-8895, Email: oridoc@khu.ac.kr
  Published online: December 30, 2012.
This study was designed to find out whether there is a correlation between qi-stagnation score and pressure pain threshold (PPT) on acupuncture point CV17 in burning mouth syndrome (BMS) patients.

Methods :
Thirty BMS patients who newly visited Oral Disease Clinic at the Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital were surveyed. The subjects were evaluated on age, illness duration, sex, self-assessed severity of BMS, qi-stagnation score, and PPT on 3 acupuncture points (CV17, Rt. SP9, Lt. SP9).

There was significant correlation between age and PPT on CV17 (p=0.005). Therefore, partial correlation analysis with age as control variable was done, and the result showed significant correlation between qi-stagnation score and PPT on CV17 (p=0.001). Qi-stagnation diagnostic point by PPT on CV17 was suggested as 3.8056 kg/cm2 based on the fact that diagnostic score is 28.50 in the qi-stagnation questionnaire. Furthermore, considering that PPT is effected by age, we could attain qi-stagnation diagnostic equation of PPT on CV17, that is suggested as 0.047×(age)+0.848 kg/cm2. PPT of 3 acupuncture points (CV17, Rt. SP9, Lt. SP9) was compared, and the result showed that PPT was significantly lower on CV17 (w/Rt SP9: p=0.022, w/Lt. SP9: p=0.012). Also, significance and correlation coefficient with qi-stagnation were higher on CV17 (p <0.001, r=-0.620) than Rt. SP9 (p=0.023, r=-0.413) or Lt. SP9 (p=0.014, r=-0.444).

The result of this study suggested that PPT on CV17, measured quantitatively by algometer, had a strong correlation with qi-stagnation score in BMS patients. Therefore, the study showed that CV17 can be a useful acupuncture point in diagnosing qi-stagnation by measuring PPT in BMS patients.
Key words: burning mouth syndrome, pressure pain threshold, CV17, diagnostic point, algometer
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