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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 29(1); 2008 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(1): 231-242.
凉膈散火湯이 뇌해마 조직배양의 허혈손상에 따른 신경세포손상에 미치는 영향
이환성1, 박성준2, 정광식4, 손영주3, 정혁상1, 박동일4, 손낙원2
1경희대학교 한의과대학, 한의학연구소
2경희대학교 동서의학대학원
3상지대학교 한의과대학
4동의대학교 한의과대학
Effect of Yanggyuksanhwa-tang on Ischemic Damage in Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Culture
Hwan-sung Lee1, Sung-joon Park2, Kwang-sik Jung4, Young-joo Sohn3, Hyuk-sang Jung1, Dong-il park4, Nak-won Sohn2
1College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
2Graduate School of East-West Medicine, Kyung Hee University
3College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University
4College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University
Correspondence  Hyuk-sang Jung ,Tel: 02-961-9449, Fax: 02-961-0327, Email: jhs@khu.ac.kr
  Published online: March 30, 2008.
We can find out the experimental reports of Yanggyuksanhwa-tang, which has the function of regulating blood pressure related with cerebral disease, and increasing local cerebral blood stream volume, also has the recoveries for the damage of vessel endothelium, and endothelium hypertrophy caused by angiospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, and reduces the contraction of smooth muscle, so simultaneously improves necrosis. The aim of this study is to investigate effect of Yanggyuksanhwa-tang protecting neuronal cells from being damaged by brain ischemia through using organotypic hippocampal slice cultures.

Methods :
We caused ischemic damage to organotypic hippocampal slice cultures by oxygen and glucose deprivation, and Yanggyuksanhwa-tang extract was added to cultures. Thereafter we measured area percentage of propidium iodide (PI)-stained neuronal cell, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels in culture media and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL)-positive cells.

Area percentage of PI-stained neuronal cells and count of TUNEL-positive cells in CA1 and DG area of organotypic hippocampal slice culture were significantly decreased in pertinent density level of Yanggyuksanhwa-tang extract. LDH levels in culture media of organotypic hippocampal slice culture were significantly decreased in pertinent density level of Yanggyuksanhwa-tang extract.

Within pertinent density level, Yanggyuksanhwa-tang has cell protection effect that prevents brain ischemia damaging neuronal cells and apoptosis increasing.
Key words: organotypic hippocampal slice culture, propidium iodide (PI), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), TUNEL, Yanggyuksanhwa-tang
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